Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Couponing: Getting Started

I write a guest opinion column for the Standard Journal. The following was published October 14, 2014:

“Couponing” is a deceiving term. It brings to mind memories of your grandmother sitting at the kitchen table and cutting out weekly coupons. What used to be strictly about clipping the newspaper and skimming the grocery circulars has grown into something much bigger.

In this world of technology, couponing has expanded to include online coupons, printable coupons, special money-saving apps for you smartphone, and online blogs that can tell you almost anything about any store. 

All of this can seem very complicated, and you may be tempted to throw the newspaper down in disgust. You have a busy life already. Is it really worth it?

YES. Believe me. It isn’t as complicated as it sounds. There are so many helpful resources out there, and they are ultra-accessible. There are people out there (like me!) that can help. It is so doable.

The way I see it, there are three types of couponing people.
          1)      Those who do it for the fun
          2)      Those who do it for the money
          3)      Those who do it for both

My goal is to help you join group #3. That is where I am, and I have found a lot of satisfaction in it. Finding something you enjoy that can also help you make ends meet is like having a job that you love. In fact, many people describe couponing as a part-time job. Like a job, it takes some time and “makes” you money (by keeping more of it in the bank).

Couponing can be super exciting. During checkout I often have to bite my lip to keep from smiling too big as I watch my total due drop after handing over my stack of precious coupons. I have been couponing for a while, but it never gets old and I often have to force myself to “play it cool.” Then I go home and talk my husband’s ear off.

It is important to know that there are different levels of couponing. There is the extreme couponer that will take several hours a week to prepare coupons and shopping lists, then go to multiple stores and stockpile several months’ worth of products. On the other side there is the casual couponer that spends only a couple of hours a week on his or her deal finding. Both are great. You decide what fits best in your life. Either way, stay tuned because this column is for YOU!

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