Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Organizing Yourself

I write a guest opinion column in the Standard Journal called "Clipping With Confidence." This article was originally published on November 4, 2014.

Organization is a step that you cannot skip if you plan on getting serious about saving money.  Here are three areas you can focus on that will make a huge difference in the way you shop.
      1.    Organize your coupons.  There are several different ways to do this, and no way is the “right” way.  A simple search on the internet will give you several to choose from.  Ask yourself these questions to determine if your method is working for you:  Can I find a coupon I am looking for quickly?  Am I constantly losing coupons?  Is it hard to get my coupons into the store?  Are the coupons overwhelming me?
If you can’t find your coupons very well, consider rethinking your organization method.  Some people organize alphabetically, while others sort by types of product (like baby, frozen foods, baking, etc.).
If you are constantly losing coupons, then find a better place to store them.  Lots of people like using baseball card sheets to organize coupons in big 3-ring binders.  Others use accordion-style folders to file their coupon inserts by date received.  Then, they simply clip the coupons as needed. 
If you don’t want to carry every coupon you own into a store, consider getting something smaller.  Grab what you will need beforehand and leave your stash at home.  I will say, however, that sometimes it does pay off to have all your coupons with you because you never know what unadvertised bargain you may find.

       2.       Organize your shopping trip.  I can’t stress enough the importance of a list.  I never used to shop with a list because I was just too lazy to make one, and I literally paid for it.  Stores loved me, but my wallet didn’t.  Some planning on your part will go a long way.  I have learned to make a detailed list that includes (1) what I will purchase, (2) how many of each item I plan on getting, and (3) whether or not I have a coupon for it.

       3.       Plan your menu.  Set time aside to create a menu based on what is or just was on sale.  This will take a little time, but it is so worth it.  Not only do I save money by cooking according to what is on sale, but I also save myself from a lot of pre-meal stress.
Check out my blog for pictures and more examples of how I have tried to organize these three areas of my life.  Just click the “tips” tab.  While you are there please comment with some ideas of your own!

I have included the following pictures of how I organize my coupons, shopping lists, and weekly menu.  Please feel free to share the methods you use as well!!


Shopping List


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